Christian Jacobsson

Head of Research
00 46 708 43 12 66

Christian is a licensed psychologist and a Senior Lecturer in Psychology. He has spent 30 years working as a consultant in work and organisational psychology and 25 years as a teacher and researcher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg. Christian came into contact with the GDQ and Susan Wheelan at an early stage when he was involved in research to test the GDQ in Swedish in connection with a team development project in schools that he was leading. Since then, he has conducted a number of team development projects and has also published a lot of research results based on the GDQ. 

Christian has been co-owner and Head of Research of GDQ Associates AB, which owns the GDQ, since 1 January 2015. Besides his work at GDQ Associates AB and the university, Christian also works as a consultant at the company Treatis AB. Christian is co-author of the “Ledarskap i vården” books: “Att möta media och undvika personfokuserade drev”, “Teamutveckling i teori och praktik”, “Teams in the Spotlight” and “Allt ljus på teamet”. The sixth edition of Susan Wheelan’s book “Creating Effective Teams” was published in autumn 2020. This new edition has been revised by Christian along with Maria Åkerlund.