Information about changes in the GDQ-survey

After careful consideration, we have removed all demographic questions that preceded the 60 statements that constitute GDQ, from the digital GDQ survey on My GDQ Management. The demographic questions are questions about occupation, sex/gender, age, highest education level completed, number of years with this organization, position in the organisation.

The reason that we have removed them is that the requirements for security in the processing of personal data have increased in recent times. We have adapted to the users that have set the highest requirements in order to continue to offer digital GDQ surveys to our users.

The questions concerning the group’s formal, institutional goal, how long the respondent has been a member of the group and how productive the respondent considers the group to be, remain mandatory in GDQ. The question on whether the respondent is leader of the group or not can be selected by the consultant who organises the survey. As previously, the free text questions (the Group’s strengths, the Group’s weaknesses and Your development suggestions) can also be selected by the consultant who organises the survey.

The fact that the demographic questions are no longer included does not make the GDQ results less useful or relevant. The demographic questions were originally included so that it would be possible to investigate whether the GDQ form was robust in relation to variables other than team processes. Such investigations have been conducted with satisfactory results, and the demographic questions are no longer needed for this purpose.

The demographic questions will be available for researchers, who, after approval from our Head of Research, Christian Jacobsson, can use the demographic questions in ethically reviewed research projects for which the questions are relevant.

 If you have any questions regarding the removal of the demographic questions, send us an email: