Welcome to our annual GDQ seminar where we update you with the latest research on GDQ as well as our exciting projects and collaborations involving GDQ!
This year the GDQ seminar will be in a mix of Swedish and English, most presenters speaks both but some do not speak Swedish and some prefer speaking Swedish. The seminar will be digitally over Zoom.
Day: Tuesday 14/9 2021
Time: 13.00-16.00
Location: Zoom, a link will be sent at registration
Price: SEK 400 + VAT.
Registration is due no later than 1/9 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: gdq@gdq.se
This year we have the following exciting points on the agenda:
*Oussama Labib, Aeqlia, Singapore. The Miki Island experiential learning.
*Mette Sandahl, Sandahl Organisational Growth, Jonas Kullberg, Ternary Consulting and Kerstin Jarl, Region Blekinge. Team development at Region Blekinge.
*Gustaf Friberg, Jeppesen/Boeing. Our way of working with agile teams in software engineering in the aircraft industry
*Christian Jacobsson, GDQ Associates. The new GDQ Short (GDQS). Christian will also talk about – Current and planned research on team development with the GDQ.
*Maria Åkerlund, GDQ Associates AB. The most important lessons about the latest team research from this year’s SIOP Conference.
*Paulina Nordebrand and Maria Åkerlund, GDQ Associates AB. The new digital Organizational Support Checklist (OSC).