Research behind the GDQ

“Since the first validation of GDQ took place in 1996, more than 80 studies based on empirical research using GDQ have been published in academic journals or reports. In other words, GDQ is firmly based on research. We continue to maintain this focus on knowledge that is based on research, and invite researchers and practitioners to contribute their own ideas for future projects. At present, we are interested in using the short version of GDQ (GDQ Short) in large-scale projects within organisations. GDQ Short has been validated and is already in use in a large-scale project in one organisation, however it would be beneficial to apply and evaluate GDQ Short in further organisations. Our service portfolio also features OSC, which is a checklist for identifying organisational support needs. This has not yet been validated, which is why we invite you to share your ideas with us on how research using OSC might be designed.”
Christian Jacobsson, Head of Research
Research using the GDQ (2006–)
Gren, L,. Jacobsson, C. (2024). From Group Psychology to Software Engineering Research to Automotive R&D: Measuring Team Development at Volvo Cars DOI 10.1109/SEAA64295.2024.00072
Gren, L., Pettersson, N. (2024). Investigating Team Maturity in an Agile Automotive Reorganization. DOI 10.1109/SEAA64295.2024.00042
Klarare, A., Hansson, J., Fossum, B,. Fürst, C-J. & Lundh Hagelin, C. (2019) Team type, team maturity and team effectiveness in specialist palliative home care: an exploratory questionnaire study, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 33:5, 504-511, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1551861
Gren, L,. Jacobsson, C., Rydbo, N. & Lenberg, P (preprint). The Group Development Questionnaire Short (GDQS) Scales: Tiny-Yet-Effective Measures of Team/Small Group Development.
Gren, L. Goldman, A. & Jacobsson C. (2019). The perceived effects of group developmental psychology training on agile software development teams. IEEE Software.
Gren, L. Goldman, A. & Jacobsson C. (2019). Agile Ways of Working: A Team Maturity Perspective. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
Jacobsson, C. & Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2019). Group Processes – The Links between Team Climate Inventory and Group Development Questionnaire. Clinical and Experimental Psychology. 5(2).
Jacobsson, C., Låstad, L. & Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2018). HSO Managers Spokesperson Self-Efficacy (SSE) when Meeting the Media. Clinical and Experimental Psychology. 4(3).
Jacobsson, C. (2017). The Goal Matrix – A Model for Developing Shared Cognition in Teams. Clinical and Experimental Psychology.3(2)
Jacobsson, C. (2017). Can team development be a way to strengthen employees’ well-being? International Interdisciplinary Conference on HRM. 23-25 March, 2017. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Gren, L., Torkar, R. & Feldt, R. (2017). Group development and group maturity when building agile teams: A qualitative and quantitative investigation at eight large companies. Journal of Systems and Software, 124, 104-119. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2016.11.024
Söderhjelm, T., Björklund, C., Sandahl, C., & Bolander-Laksov, K. (2016). Academic leadership: Management of groups or leadership of teams? A multiple-case study on designing and implementing a team-based development programme for academic leadership. Studies in Higher Education, , 1-16. doi:10.1080/03075079.2016.1160277
Jacobsson, C., Lidberg, J. & Archer, T. (2016). Consultants’ versus Managers’ – perceptions of a group development intervention program. Clinical and Experimental Psychology. 2(3).
Jacobsson, C., Åkerlund, M,. Graci, E., Cedstrand, E. & Archer, T. (2016). Teacher team effectiveness and teachers’ wellbeing. Clinical and Experimental Psychology.2(2).
Gren, L., Torkar, R., & Feldt, R. (2015). Group maturity and agility, are they connected? – A survey study. Proceedings – 41st Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2015. 1-8. doi:10.1109/SEAA.2015.31
Raes, E., Kyndt, E., Decuyper, S., Van den Bossche, P. & Docht, F. (2015). An Exploratory Study of Group Development and Team Learning. Human Resource Development Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 1.
Ulhassan, W., Westerlund, H., Thor, J., Sandahl, C. & von Thiele Schwarz, U. (2014). Does lean implementation interact with group functioning? Journal of Health Organisation & Management, 28(2), 196
Jacobsson, C., Rydbo, N. &. Børressen, J-E. (2014) The Links Between Group Development and Health in Manufacturing Industry. Journal of Small Group Research, 45(4): 400-415
Wheelan, S.A. & Jacobsson, C. (2014). A descriptive study of work groups in the Swedish and U.S. economy. Presented at the 9th GRASP conference, may 22-23, Linköping: Linköping University.
Jacobsson, C. (2013). Group Development and health in Schools – A pilot study. (2013) Presented at: “Work Group Development: Theory, Research & Practice“. March 8 – 10, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA
Rydbo, N. & Jacobsson, C. (2013). The relationship between group dynamics and health in Swedish manufacturing industry. Presented at: “Work Group Development: Theory, Research & Practice“. March 8 – 10, 2013. Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA
Børressen, J-E., Jacobsson, C. & Rydbo, N. (2012) Investigating the relationship between group dynamics and health in Swedish manufacturing industry – A pilot Study. Presented at the 8th GRASP conference, may 3 – 4, 2012, Bergen: NTNU
Jacobsson, C., & Persson, O. (2011). Group development; what´s the speed limit?- Two cases of student groups. In Jacobsson, C. & Ricciardi, M. (Eds) (2011). The individual and the group – Future challenges. Proceedings from the 7th GRASP conference, University of Gothenburg, May 2010. Gothenburg
Wheelan, S.A. (2009). Group size, group development, and group productivity. Small Group Research, Vol 40, No 2, 247-262.
Jacobsson, C. & Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2009) Increasing Teacher Team Effectiveness by Evidence Based Consulting. Presented at: 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology. Santiago di Compostela, Spain.
Jacobsson, C. (2009) Att coacha grupper, i Coaching, Max Rapp Ricciardi (red.), Bonnier Ledarskapshandböcker
Jack K. Ito, Céleste M. Brotheridge, (2008) Do teams grow up one stage at a time?: Exploring the complexity of group development models, Team Performance Management: An International Journal, Vol. 14 Issue: 5/6, pp.214-232,
Chang, A., Duck, J., & Bordia, P. (2006). Understanding the multidimensionality of group development. Small Group Research, 37(4), 327-350. doi:10.1177/104649406290564
More publications from Christian Jacobsson:
Research using the GDQ (1996–2005)
Wheelan, S. & Kesselring, J. (2005). The link between faculty group development and the performance of elementary students on standardized tests. The Journal of Educational Research, 98, 323-330.
Arrow, H., Poole, M. S., Bouas Henry, K., Wheelan, S., Moreland, R. (2004). Time, change, and development: The temporal perspectives on groups. Small Group Research, 35, 73-105.
Wheelan, S. (2004). Workplace teams. In J. L. DeLucia-Waack, D. A. Gerrity, C. R. Kalodner, & M. T. Riva, Handbook of group work, 401-413. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chang, A., Bordia, P., & Duck, J. (2003). Punctuated equilibrium and linear progression: Toward a new understanding of group development. The Academy of Management Journal, 46(1), 106-117. doi:10.2307/30040680
Wheelan, S., Davidson, B., & Tilin, F. (2003). Group development across time: Reality or Illusion? Small Group Research, 34, 2, 223-245.
Wheelan, S. & Brewer Danganan, N. (2003). The relationship between the internal dynamics of student affairs leadership teams and campus leaders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of student affairs divisions. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Journal, 40, 3, 93-112.
Wheelan, S., & Williams, T. (2003). Mapping dynamic interaction patterns in work groups. Small Group Research, 34, 443-467.
Wheelan, S. (2003). An initial exploration of the internal dynamics of leadership teams. Consulting Psychology Journal, 55 (3), 179-188.
Wheelan, S. Burchill, C. & Tilin, F. (2003). The link between teamwork and patients’ outcomes in intensive care units. American Journal of Critical Care, 12, 527-534.
Wheelan, S. & Lisk, A. (2000). Cohort group effectiveness and the educational achievement of adult undergraduate students. Small Group Research, 31,6, 724-738.
Wheelan, S. (1999) Group size, group development and group productivity. Small Group Research. 44(2)
Wheelan, S. & Burchill, C. (1999). Take Teamwork to New Heights. Nursing Management, 28-32.
Wheelan, S. (1999). An introduction to the Special Issue on Group Development. Small Group Research, 30, 1.
Buzaglo, G. & Wheelan, S.(1999). Facilitating work team effectiveness: Case studies from Central America. Small Group Research, 30,1,108-129.
Wheelan, S. & Tilin, F.(1999). The relationship between faculty group effectiveness and school productivity. Small Group Research, 30,1, 59-81.
Wheelan, S., Murphy, D., Tsumura, E., & Fried Kline, S. (1998). Member Perceptions of Internal Group Dynamics and Productivity. Small Group Research, 29(3), 371-393.
Wheelan, S., Buzaglo, G., Tsumura, E. (1998). Developing Assessment Tools For Cross Cultural Group Research. Small Group Research, 29(3), 359-370.
Wheelan, S. & Kaeser, R. M. (1997). The Influence of Task Type and Designated Leaders on Developmental Patterns in Groups. Small Group Research, 28, 1, 94-121.
Wheelan, S. (1997). Group Development and the Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(4), 288-293.
Wheelan, S. (1997). Co-therapists and the creation of a Functional Psychotherapy Group: A Group Dynamics Perspective. Group Dynamics Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(4), 306-310.
Wheelan, S., Brunner, A., Burchill, C., Craig, R., & Tilin, F. (1996) The Utility of Group Development Theory in Consulting with Small, Social Service Organizations: A Case Study. Organization Development Journal, 14 (3), 4-15.
Wheelan, S. (1996). Effects of Gender Composition and Group Status Differences on Member Perceptions of Group Developmental Patterns, Effectiveness, and Productivity. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 34, 9/10, 665-686.
Wheelan, S. (1996). New Frontiers in Group and Organizational Dynamics: An Introduction. Systems Practice, 9 (1), 5-6.
Wheelan, S. (1996). An Initial Exploration of the Relevance of Complexity Theory to Group Research and Practice. Systems Practice, 9 (1), 47-70.
Wheelan, S. (Ed.). (1996). New Frontiers in Group and Organizational Dynamics. A Special Issue of Systems Practice, 9 (1).
Wheelan, S., Yantorno, R. E., Tilin, F. & Lisk, A. R. (1996). Engineering Education and Team Work. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Middle Atlantic Section Reginal Conference. April 27, 1996.
Wheelan, S., Tillin, F., & Sanford, J. (1996). School Group Effectiveness and Productivity. Research Practice, 4, 1, 11-14. The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement. College of Education. The University of Minnesota.
Wheelan, S. & Johnston, F. (1996) The Role of Member Leaders in a System Containing Formal Leaders. Small Group Research, 27, 1, 33-55.
Wheelan, S, & Hochberger, J. (1996b). Assessing Rehabilitation Teams Functional Level and Facilitating Team Development. Rehabilitation Nursing, 21, 2, 75-81.
Wheelan, S. & Hochberger, J. (1996a). Validation Studies of the Group Development Questionnaire. Small Group Research, 27, 1, 143-170.
Wheelan, S. (1999) Group size, group development and group productivity. Small Group Research. 44(2)
Wheelan, S. & Burchill, C. (1999). Take Teamwork to New Heights. Nursing Management, 28-32.
Wheelan, S. (1999). An introduction to the Special Issue on Group Development. Small Group Research, 30, 1.
Buzaglo, G. & Wheelan, S.(1999). Facilitating work team effectiveness: Case studies from Central America. Small Group Research, 30,1,108-129.
Wheelan, S. & Tilin, F.(1999). The relationship between faculty group effectiveness and school productivity. Small Group Research, 30,1, 59-81.
Wheelan, S., Murphy, D., Tsumura, E., & Fried Kline, S. (1998). Member Perceptions of Internal Group Dynamics and Productivity. Small Group Research, 29(3), 371-393.
Wheelan, S., Buzaglo, G., Tsumura, E. (1998). Developing Assessment Tools For Cross Cultural Group Research. Small Group Research, 29(3), 359-370.
Wheelan, S. & Kaeser, R. M. (1997). The Influence of Task Type and Designated Leaders on Developmental Patterns in Groups. Small Group Research, 28, 1, 94-121.
Wheelan, S. (1997). Group Development and the Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(4), 288-293.
Wheelan, S. (1997). Co-therapists and the creation of a Functional Psychotherapy Group: A Group Dynamics Perspective. Group Dynamics Theory, Research, and Practice, 1(4), 306-310.
Wheelan, S., Brunner, A., Burchill, C., Craig, R., & Tilin, F. (1996) The Utility of Group Development Theory in Consulting with Small, Social Service Organizations: A Case Study. Organization Development Journal, 14 (3), 4-15.
Wheelan, S. (1996). Effects of Gender Composition and Group Status Differences on Member Perceptions of Group Developmental Patterns, Effectiveness, and Productivity. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 34, 9/10, 665-686.
Wheelan, S. (1996). New Frontiers in Group and Organizational Dynamics: An Introduction. Systems Practice, 9 (1), 5-6.
Wheelan, S. (1996). An Initial Exploration of the Relevance of Complexity Theory to Group Research and Practice. Systems Practice, 9 (1), 47-70.
Wheelan, S. (Ed.). (1996). New Frontiers in Group and Organizational Dynamics. A Special Issue of Systems Practice, 9 (1).
Wheelan, S., Yantorno, R. E., Tilin, F. & Lisk, A. R. (1996). Engineering Education and Team Work. Paper presented at the American Society for Engineering Education. Middle Atlantic Section Reginal Conference. April 27, 1996.
Wheelan, S., Tillin, F., & Sanford, J. (1996). School Group Effectiveness and Productivity. Research Practice, 4, 1, 11-14. The Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement. College of Education. The University of Minnesota.
Wheelan, S. & Johnston, F. (1996) The Role of Member Leaders in a System Containing Formal Leaders. Small Group Research, 27, 1, 33-55.
Wheelan, S, & Hochberger, J. (1996). Assessing Rehabilitation Teams Functional Level and Facilitating Team Development. Rehabilitation Nursing, 21, 2, 75-81.
Wheelan, S. & Hochberger, J. (1996). Validation Studies of the Group Development Questionnaire. Small Group Research, 27, 1, 143-170.
Research behind the GDQ (1990–1995)
Wheelan, S. & Verdi, A. F. (1994). Two Methods for Conducting Group Assessment and Group Research: Descriptions and Applications. Paper presented at the 102nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. Los Angeles, CA. August 15th.
Wheelan, S., Verdi, A. F., & McKeage, R. (1994). The Group Development Observation System (HaPI Record). Pittsburgh, PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services (Producer). McLean, VA: BRS Search Service (Vendor).
Wheelan, S. & Verdi, A. (1994). Differences in male and female patterns of communication in groups: A methodological artifact? In R. F. Szafran (Ed.), Social Science Research: A Cross Section of Journal Articles for Discussion and Evaluation. Pyrczak Publishing, 83-94.
Wheelan, S. (1994). Responsible Team Consultation: Research Based Assessment and Consultation. Proceedings of the 1994 Organizational Development Network Conference.
Communication and developmental processes in a system of interacting groups. In L. Frey (Ed.) Communication in Context: Studies of Naturalistic Groups. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 153-180.
Wheelan, S., McKeage, R., Verdi, A., Abraham, M., Krasick, C., & Johnston, F. (1994).
Wheelan, S., Johnston, F., McKeage, R., & Kaeser, R. (1994). Group task, size, and subgroup formation: Some factors that influence group development. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Kurt Lewin Conference. The Institute for Social Research, Center for Group Dynamics. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. September 9th.
Wheelan, S. (1994). Psychological Ecosystems: Habitats for Humanity. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Kurt Lewin Conference. The Institute for Social Research Center for Group Dynamics. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. September 9th.
Wheelan, S. (1993). Complex Adaptive Systems Composed of Human Agents. Paper presented at the A. K. Rice National Meeting. Marina Del Rey, CA: May.
Wheelan, S., Michael, T., Abraham, M., Krasick, C., McKeage, R., Verdi, A., Johnston, F. & Whiteling, V. (1993). The Group Relations Conference as a laboratory for the study of organizational and societal processes: Methods, findings, and a call for collaboration. In Cytrynbaum, S. & Lee, S. (Eds.). Transformations in Global and Organizational Systems: Changing Boundaries in the 90’s. (127- 133). Jupiter, FL: The A. K. Rice Institute.
Wheelan, S. & Michael, T. (1993). Men and Women in Groups and Organizations: A Tavistock Approach. In Hugg, T. W., Carson, N. M., & Lipgar, R. M. (Eds.). Changing Group Relations ( pp. 122-129). Jupiter, FL: The A. K. Institute.
Wheelan, S. (1993). Communication and developmental processes in a system of interacting groups. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. May 30.
Wheelan, S. & McKeage, R. (1993). Developmental patterns in small and large groups. Small Group Research. 24 (1), 60-83.
Wheelan, S. & Krasick, C. (1993). The emergence, transmission and acceptance of themes in a temporary organization. Group and Organization Management, 18 (2), 237-260.
Wheelan, S. & Abraham, M. (1993). The concept of intergroup mirroring: Reality or illusion? Human Relations, 46 (7), 803-825.
Verdi, A. & Wheelan, S. (1992). Developmental patterns in same-sex and mixed-sex groups. Small Group Research, 23 (3), 356-378.
Wheelan, S. & Verdi, A. (1992). Differences in male and female patterns of communication in groups: A methodological artifact? Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. 27 (1/2), 1-15.
Wheelan, S. & Conway, C. (1991). Group development as a framework to understand and promote school readiness to engage in an OD project. The Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 2 (1), 59-71.
Wheelan, S. (1991). The Empirical Measurement of Conscious and Unconscious Processes in Groups and Organizations. Paper presented at Northwestern University College of Education. Co-sponsor: Chicago Center for the Study of Groups and Organizations.
Wheelan, S. & Stivers, E. (1990). Group dynamics, action research, and intergroup relations. In S. Wheelan, V. Abt, & E. Pepitone (Eds.), Advances in Field Theory (pp. 197-209). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S. & Abt, V. (1990). Field theory and the construction of social problems. In Wheelan, S., Abt, V. & Pepitone, E. (Eds.). Advances in Field Theory (pp. 80-89). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S. (2005). Faculty Groups: From Frustration to Collaboration. Newbury Park, CA: Corwin Press.
Wheelan, S. (2005). Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders (2nd Ed.) Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S. (Ed.). (2005). Handbook of Group Research and Practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S. (2005). Group Processes: A Developmental Perspective (2nd Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon: The Simon & Schuster Education Group.
Wheelan, S. (1999). Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S., Verdi, A., & McKeage, R. (1994). The Group Development Observation System: Origins and Applications. GDQ Associates Inc.
Wheelan, S. (1994). Group Processes: A Developmental Perspective. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon: The Simon & Schuster Education Group.
Wheelan, S., Abt, V. & Pepitone, E. (Eds.). (1990). Advances in Field Theory. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Wheelan, S. (1990). Facilitating Training Groups: A Guide to Leadership and Verbal Intervention Skills. New York, NY: Praeger.
Stivers, E. & Wheelan, S. (Eds.). (1986). The Lewin Legacy: Field Theory in Current Practice. New York, NY: Springer/Verlag.
Dr. Susan Wheelan, creator of the GDQ, talks about group development.
Dr. Susan Wheelan describes her five-stage model for group development. She developed the model in order to better understand the dynamics of working groups. Dr. Wheelan is interviewed here by Mia Ljungblom, who teaches courses in leadership and group development for the Division for Contract Education at Uppsala University. Length: 17:57 minutes.
Read about Susan Wheelan in The Art of Making Groups Work Effectively
Read about Susan Wheelan in Well functioning groups render A BETTER WORLD (in Swedish). You can also read the article translated into English.