Knowledge bank

In accordance with our sixth ethical and practical principle, we want to ensure that if you use GDQ you have access to knowledge derived from research in the field of team development. Download texts, articles and our presentations from the annual GDQ seminar via our knowledge bank.  Use these free of charge to develop your own knowledge. Please remember to cite the source if you use them in other contexts. There are also links to books that we have co-authored that are available for purchase.


Teams in the spotlight – Mette Sandahl, Mattias Wihlborg, Christian Jacobsson and Maria Åkerlund.

Loggbok för teamutveckling (free of charge)

Tools from Teams in the spotlight – Mette Sandahl, Mattias Wihlborg, Christian Jacobsson and Maria Åkerlund.

Teamutveckling i teori och praktik – Christian Jacobsson and Maria Åkerlund.

Creating effective teams – A guide for members and leaders – Susan A Wheelan, Maria Åkerlund and Christian Jacobsson.


Gren, L,. Jacobsson, C. (2024). From Group Psychology to Software Engineering Research to Automotive R&D: Measuring Team Development at Volvo Cars DOI 10.1109/SEAA64295.2024.00072

Gren, L., Pettersson, N. (2024). Investigating Team Maturity in an Agile Automotive Reorganization. DOI 10.1109/SEAA64295.2024.00042

Gren, L,. Jacobsson, C., Rydbo, N. & Lenberg, P (preprint). The Group Development Questionnaire Short (GDQS) Scales: Tiny-Yet-Effective Measures of Team/Small Group Development.

Gren, L. Goldman, A. & Jacobsson C. (2019). The perceived effects of group developmental psychology training on agile software development teams. IEEE

Gren, L. Goldman, A. & Jacobsson C. (2019). Agile Ways of Working: A Team Maturity Perspective. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.

Jacobsson, C. & Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2019). Group Processes – The Links between Team Climate Inventory and Group Development Questionnaire. Clinical and Experimental Psychology. 5(2).

Jacobsson, C., Låstad, L. & Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2018). HSO Managers Spokesperson Self-Efficacy (SSE) when Meeting the Media. Clinical and Experimental Psychology. 4(3).

Team – Lagarbete – i dagens arbetsliv (Swedish article by Maria Åkerlund). This article is featured with the permission from Norstedts Juridik, who publish the magazine.

HSO Managers Spokesperson Self-Efficacy (SSE) when Meeting the Media by Christian Jacobsson, Lena Låstad & Maria Wramsten Wilmar (2018) in Clin Exp Psychol 4: 198. doi: 10.4172/2471-2701.1000198

Group Processes – The Links between Team Climate Inventory and Group Development Questionnaire by Christian Jacobsson & Maria Wramsten Wilmar (2019) in Clin Exp Psychol 5: 210

Christian Jacobsson on developing high performing teams at Volvo Group by Volvo Group Magazine 3.2018

Leadership – a team process developed through context awareness by Maria Åkerlund in Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology

GDQ at IKEA by Swedish Personal&Ledarskap number 11, 2015

Teacher Team Effectiveness and Teacher’s Well-being by Christian Jacobsson and Maria Åkerlund

A Descriptive Study of Work Groups in the Swedish and U.S. Economy by Susan Wheelan and Christian Jacobsson

Consultants’ versus Managers’ – Perceptions of a Group Development Intervention Program by Christian Jacobsson

The Links Between Group Development and Health in Manufacturing Industry by Christian Jacobsson

Interview with Christian Jacobsson by Sunt Arbetsliv (article in Swedish)

Chefen i fokus – Lätt att leken spårar ut (Swedish article with Christian Jacobsson)


Christian Jacobsson participates in the podcast Fråga Forskaren (in Swedish) – the theme: Collaboration in cross-functional teams and groups.

Christian Jacobsson participates at the event ”Ledarskap i politiskt styrda organisationer – ett möte mellan forskning och praktik” organised by Public Partner (in Swedish).

Maria Åkerlund interviewed by SSRS Chefspodden (in Swedish) – Theme: how to lead a team

Maria Åkerlund holds a lecture at Akademikerförbundet SSR (in Swedish) – Theme: Teams in the spotlight

Maria Åkerlund speaks on Jason Wick’s podcast Leadership Voyage – the theme: Teams

Maria Åkerlund participates in the podcast Jaget, jobbet och livet (in Swedish) – Theme: Focus on the team

Summary of our launch-party in Stockholm 2017-03-21

Presentations from our seminar 2016-09-28

GDQ Associates slideshow (translation into English will be coming soon)

Developing high performing teams at the Volvo Group in partnership with GDQ Associates